Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Editing session 2

Our opening sequence length was too long as it needed to be cut down by 50 seconds. In an attempt to reduce the length I cut down unnecessary shots when the characters were both leaving the forest toward the car and arriving back once they got the equipment. I shortened this section down as the original shots were too long and will have made the audience loose interest. Therefore, to keep or maintain tension the journey to and from the car had to be reduced. We also have in our opening sequence blood dripping from a tree which we liked as it connotes the horror conventions so in order to reduce time, I sped up the shot to double the speed. The shot is still just as effective and was not too fast that it did not match the rest of the shots before and after it.

I also helped Matt change the colour on one of the shots. I already knew how to adjust the settings but I needed conformation with Matt as it was in his section. We needed to adjust the colour settings as that particular shot was extremely bright and did not fit with the surrounding shots. The footage before and after were much warmer and gentle to look at. Therefore, I had to change the colour from harsh lighting so it would fit better in the scenes.

During my section of the dialogue there was a limited variety of shots. The only used shot was a medium shot of one single character and so it was hard to tell who the characters were talking to. To amend this I added a low angle long shot of  Alice, Matt and myself. After I implemented this into our opening sequence it was much clearer to see who was talking to who. It is necessary that the audience know which characters are communicating as if they are confused they will not understand the story line.

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