Monday, 5 December 2016

Our first narrative idea

The overview 
The narrative of the film followers a psychopath as he commits brutal killings on innocent people. We first see the villain in the first couple minutes, in an establishing shot, this is to create an enigma surrounding this character as it will intrigue the audience. For our opening sequence it shows the point of view of the victim which creates a sense of realism  in which the audience can feel, this done through point of view shots. we want to make a connection between the characters and the audience to make events impact more.

We will use the editing skills we have developed from making the short films, "The life of a Kit Kat chunky" and "The life of a cup of tea". These include continuity editing as we created smooth transitions between shots which will improve the quality of our film. My group and I will look at our survey results and incorporate the ideas that our target audience have.

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